This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Woo Invoices – Quotes and Invoices



This Woocommerce extension acts as the middle-man between the Woocommerce plugin and Sliced Invoices plugin, allowing you to easily create invoices and quotes from Woocommerce orders. Both plugins are free and both plugins are required.


  • Automatically create quotes from Woocommerce orders
  • Automatically create invoices from Woocommerce orders
  • Invoices and quotes can be created from the back end (admin creating the order)
  • Invoices only can be created from the front end (upon client checkout)
  • Adds ‘Pay by Invoice’ as a Checkout option
  • Enable default payment methods on invoices
  • Enable invoices only for certain shipping methods
  • Include instructions and a link to the Invoice in emails
  • Easily print quotes & invoices to PDF by using the PDF invoices extension
  • The PDF invoices extension also allows clients to print their quotes and invoices
  • With the PDF extension installed, the PDF will also be attached to the Woocommerce emails that go to the client


Woocommerce and Sliced Invoices are both ecommerce plugins that have very different uses and different functions, but there is also some overlap with some of their features. This plugin takes some features of Sliced Invoices and some features of Woocommerce to achieve an extremely flexible ecommerce setup that can be used in many, many different ways.

You can still use Sliced Invoices independantly of Woocommerce and vice versa.

So how do the plugins work together?

Admin Area

  • Automatically create a Quote or an Invoice by creating a Woocommerce Order
  • Invoices are created when the Woocommerce Order Status is set to Invoice (the Invoice is now tied to the Order)
  • Quotes are created when the Woocommerce Order Status is set to Quote (the Quote is now tied to the Order)
  • Editing the Order will edit the tied Invoice or Quote
  • You can convert a Quote to Invoice by simply changing the Order Status to Invoice
  • Mark an Invoice as Paid by changing the Order Status to Completed
  • Quotes and Invoices will get their statuses updated depending on the status of the Order

Front End

  • A user can choose the ‘Pay via Invoice’ option when they check out
  • An order is created as per normal, and an invoice is also generated
  • Uses the Woocommerce Billing Details as the ‘To’ address on the Invoice or Quote
  • Uses the Woocommerce Order ID as the ‘Order Number’ on the Invoice or Quote
  • Payment Methods from Sliced Invoices can be added to the Invoice (bank, cheque, PayPal, generic)

Emailing the Invoice or Quote

There are a couple of different ways you could send the client the Quote or Invoice.

  • Via the Order Actions section from within the order (this will send a Woocommerce styled email)
  • Via the Sliced Invoices Quotes or Invoices menu (this will send a Sliced Invoices styled email)


Scenario 1 – Creating Invoices

You simply need to create invoices from Woocommerce orders.

  • User adds products to cart
  • User goes to checkout and chooses ‘Pay via Invoice’ option
  • Sliced Invoices creates the Invoice in the background
  • User is taken to the ‘Order Received’ page. Instructions and a ‘View The Invoice’ button are shown
  • User can view the Invoice and see the payment methods on the invoice that you have set

Scenario 2 – Creating Quotes

You want to create Quotes from your Woocommerce orders and send to clients for approval.

  • You create a Woocommerce Order
  • You add all of your products, taxes, shipping, billing details etc
  • You set the Order Status to Quote
  • Sliced Invoices creates the Quote in the background
  • You can then send an email (via one of the 2 options above) to the client with the link to view the Quote
  • Client views the Quote, hopefully approves it and then an Invoice is automatically created
  • If you also have the PDF invoices extension installed, a PDF version of the Invoice or Quote will be attached


  1. Upload plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Woocommerce Checkout settings and then to Sliced Invoices to enable and setup


Minimum System Requirements

  • WordPress 4.0 or newer
  • WooCommerce 2.7 or newer
  • Sliced Invoices 3.7 or newer
  • PHP version from 5.5 up to 8.0


  1. Go to WooCommerce / Settings / Payments and click on Sliced Invoices
  2. Ensure that ‘Enable/Disable’ is checked
  3. Configure the rest of the settings as you require and hit Save

Where can I get help?

For all support issues please open a Support Ticket on our website.


جويي 2, 2018
Great plugin to add key quote and invoice features for WooCommerce…This was well-suited to a product business (e.g. 2000+ auto parts). Note the Sliced Invoice plugin is required to be used with this plugin. I still need to experiment with payment flow as WooCommerce’s native invoice and payment flow is poor and has issues with permissions (e.g. the Payment link from the order page brings you to a payment page, but customer and I have rarely had luck paying for or an order.). So hopefully the pay with Paypal will work and then Braintree (now owned by Paypal).
Read all 4 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Woo Invoices – Quotes and Invoices” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • FIX: WC deprecated notice.


  • UPDATE: automatically set invoice due date and quote “valid until” dates upon creation of invoice tied to a WooCommerce order. (Previously these fields were not set, so if you’ve not used this feature before be sure to check your default due date/valid until date settings).
  • UPDATE: updated .pot file for translations.
  • FIX: currency symbols encoding for invoices tied to WooCommerce (ref #141493).
  • FIX: minor translation issues.


  • NEW: Spanish translation (thanks to Lolo Marchal).
  • UPDATE: changes for compatibility with forthcoming Sliced Invoices v3.9.0.
  • UPDATE: PHP 8.0 compatibility.
  • FIX: issue with shipping methods setting having blank titles due to recent WC update.


  • FIX: conflict with Gravity Forms plugin >= v2.5.
  • FIX: PHP warning.


  • FIX: PHP notice.
  • UPDATE: compatibility with WooCommerce 3.9.


  • FIX: PHP notice.
  • UPDATE: removed custom button text filter.


  • FIX: issue with Terms and Conditions not always populating in quotes/invoices attached to new orders.


  • NEW: add requirements check. If either of the 2 required plugins are not found (WooCommerce or Sliced Invoices), a notice will be displayed to tell you this.
  • FIX: php notice.


  • FIX: allow WooCommerce-tied invoices to use text labels from the “Translate” tab in Sliced Invoices.


  • FIX: issue with quotes not being marked as “sent” even after the quote email was sent.


  • FIX: issue where quote loses connection to WooCommerce order upon acceptance, if “Accepted Quote Action” is set to “Create invoice, but keep quote”.
  • FIX: issue where other plugins were inadvertently prevented from adding attachments to order-related emails.


  • FIX: issue with Client Area Extension not including shipping or taxes in displayed totals.
  • FIX: more graceful handling of orders where one or more products no longer exist.


  • FIX: error message when checking out via quote in WooCommerce 3.x.


  • FIX: various PHP notices, WooCommerce 3.x warnings.


  • FIX: issue with quote display (see also Sliced Invoices v3.7.1).
  • FIX: only show sku and/or meta fields if they are not empty.
  • UPDATE: update .pot file for translations.


  • NEW: ability to choose whether to create a quote or an invoice at checkout. (Previously “invoice” was the only option at checkout, now you can choose either quote or invoice).
  • NEW: add option to show order item metas in line items.
  • NEW: add option to show SKU in line items.
  • UPDATE: allow “New Order” admin notification to be triggered when either a new quote or invoice is created.


  • FIX: rate/price column showing line sub total, not unit price.


  • FIX: compatibility issue with deposit invoices (for Sliced Invoices versions 3.6.0 and newer).
  • FIX: WooCommerce deprecated method.


  • FIX: issue with adjust field not showing.


  • FIX: compatibility issues with WooCommerce versions 3.0.0 and newer.
  • UPDATE: add new .pot file for future translations.


  • UPDATE: compatibility with Sliced Invoices v3.3.0.


  • FIX: conflict between Sliced Invoices and WooCommerce tax settings.


  • FIX: issue with payment amount passed to PayPal when using Deposit Invoices Extension.


  • FIX: issues with tax calculation.
  • UPDATE: Compatibility update with Sliced Invoices Deposit Invoices Extension v2.0.0.


  • FIX: Error on edit invoice when not related to a Woocommerce order.


  • Initial release at